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PVC Shrink Film is made by mixing vinyl resin with more than ten kinds of auxiliary materials and then inflating them twice. It is characterized by good transparency, easy shrinkage, high strength, shrinkage rate can be adjusted freely according to user needs, and strong operability! Widely used for packaging wine, food, sporting goods, sterilized tableware, electronic appliances, daily necessities, handicrafts, insurance products, audio-visual products, medicines, stationery, toys, portals, plastic hardware, glass ceramics and other commodities, with more vivid shapes Beautiful, the product packaging level is improved, and the product is protected from dust and waste. It is currently an ideal film packaging material.
So what are the characteristics of PVC shrink film? As a PVC Shrink Film Supplier, we know the characteristics of various shrink films, such as PVC shrink film. Below we will explain in detail the characteristics of PVC shrink film.
PVC shrink film has the following six advantages:
1. Beautiful appearance, close to the product, so it is also called human body packaging, suitable for various types of product packaging
2. Good protection. If the inner packaging of the shrink packaging is combined with the transportation packaging hanging on the outer packaging, it has good reliability
3. Good cleanliness, especially suitable for packaging of precision instruments and high-precision electronic components
PVC Shrink Film
4. Good anti-theft, can pack all kinds of food together with a larger shrink film to prevent loss, so there will be a special Food PVC Shrink Film
5. Good stability, the product will not fall into the packaging film
6. PVC shrink film has good transparency, and customers can directly see the product content
Knowing the characteristics of PVC shrink film, it is not difficult to know the purpose of PVC shrink film.
By using PVC shrink film as a decorative film, medium density board, particle board, plywood and fiberboard can be used in large quantities, thereby reducing the amount of wood used, thereby reducing the damage to the forest. And environment. From this perspective, PVC shrink film has made a great contribution to protecting the ecological environment.
The melting temperature of PVC during processing is a very important process parameter. If this parameter is inappropriate, it will cause material decomposition problems. The flow characteristics of PVC are poor and the process range is narrow. In particular, PVC materials of large molecular weight are difficult to process, and therefore PVC materials of small molecular weight are generally used.
The shrinkage of PVC is very low, usually 0.2% to 0.6%. Polyethylene film is usually produced by blow molding and casting processes. Blow molded polyethylene film is blow molded from blow molding grade PE particles through a blow molding machine, and has low cost, so it is widely used. The thickness of cast polyethylene film is uniform, but it is rarely used due to its high price.
In actual use, PVC materials are usually added with stabilizers, lubricants, auxiliary processing agents, colorants, impact agents and other additives. Different resins and formulations can be used to produce heat shrinkable films with different mechanical strengths and functions. It can be used for inner packaging with low strength and light weight, as well as mechanical products for containers requiring high strength. Materials such as transportation packaging and automotive PVC shrink film.
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